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traditional domestic houses in Chaozhou
giant incenses being made
beautiful village altar
the village's name means stone bird, can you see it?
group picture of the village officials
me and my beautiful wife, Shannon
family selfie
it's because of Elsie and Al, this became a reality
my cousins and Ty deep in conversation
walking to visit my family's home
meeting Bo Kim, my aunt for the first time
eating a special dessert for prosperity, no matter how much I eat, she refills it with more!
sharing a moment while taking a family photo
finding my uncle's abacus inside my grandfather's home
taking a family group selfie
praying together as a family
family photo outside the village temple
posing in front of the village altar
village chief sharing a private jam session
a great picture of Frank stomping through china
our reaction after spending hours at the bank to exchange currency
ice cream was essential to surviving the heat
Celi and I's reaction to a typhoon that flooded a village
a serious mentor-mentee photo happily disrupted by mentor's wife...Rosa.
harnessing our inner kung fu as if we're on the set of "crouching tiger, hidden dragon"
showering Steve because he looked to dry
sugary dessert with pigeon eggs
food offerings for our ancestors
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